
Statistics Portugal – Web Portal

SummaryThe Consumer confidence indicator increased in December, after decreasing in the previous four months. The balance of Consumer opinions on the past evolution of prices declined in November and December, after the significant increase recorded in October having suspended the downward path observed in the previous five months. The economic climate indicator increased in November

Sínteses Estatísticas Setoriais – GEE

Detalhes 28 dezembro 2023 Publicação anual bilingue com os principais indicadores da estrutura e variação do sector empresarial português, por sector de atividade económica (CAE Rev. 3), forma jurídica ou desagregação geográfica (NUTS II), e respetivo enquadramento no contexto económico nacional. Realizada desde 2012, e, atualizada habitualmente no primeiro e no último trimestre do ano.

Statistics Portugal – Web Portal

SummaryThe tourist accommodation sector registered 1.9 million guests and 4.6 million overnight stays in November 2023, corresponding to increases of 9.2% and 7.5%, respectively (+8.9% and +8.6% in October 2023, in the same order). Overnight stays from residents grew by 2.3%, totaling 1.3 million, and those from non-residents grew by 9.9%, corresponding to 3.2 million.

Um ecossistema europeu de apoio a startups

28-12-2023 Um ecossistema europeu de apoio a startups No âmbito do programa European Innovation Ecosystems, irá abrir no dia 18 de janeiro concurso de apoio a startups, a nível regional ou nacional, para escalar o seu projeto a nível europeu. A iniciativa Startup Europe dirige-se aos ecossistemas de inovação e à interconexão entre stakeholders e startups e

By |2023-12-28T00:00:00+00:00Dezembro 28, 2023|Apoio ao Empresário, Gabinete, IAPMEI, ONG|0 comentários

Statistics Portugal – Web Portal

  Previous issues   Calendar  Theme   Date   to      Search word  Survey on bank evaluation on housing Bank appraisals on housing decreased 6 euros to 1,530 euros per square meter - November 2023 27 December 2023 SummaryThe median value of bank appraisals on housing reached €1,530 per square meter in November 2023, €6 less than in the previous month (a

Statistics Portugal – Web Portal

Survey on Living Conditions, Origins and Trajectories of Population Resident in Portugal SummaryAccording to the results of the Survey on Living Conditions, Origins and Trajectories of the Resident Population in Portugal (ICOT), people aged 18 to 74 self-identified in terms of ethnic origin or belonging as follows: 6.4 million with the white ethnic group; 169.2

Statistics Portugal – Web Portal

Summary2022 was the hottest year in the last 92 years and preliminary estimates of greenhouse gas emissions point to a 1.2% increase compared to 2021. With the largest population increase since the beginning of the 21st century (+46,249 inhabitants) and in a context of economic growth (private consumption increased by 5.6%), there was a 10.5%

Portugal Ventures distingue startups do seu portfólio

18-12-2023 Portugal Ventures distingue startups do seu portfólio A Portugal Ventures anunciou os vencedores dos prémios da edição de 2023 do PV Awards, uma iniciativa que distingue as startups do seu portefólio que se destacam em cada ano. Durante o evento PV Founders Get Together, que teve lugar no dia 14 de dezembro, no Hub Criativo

By |2023-12-18T00:00:00+00:00Dezembro 18, 2023|Apoio ao Empresário, Gabinete, IAPMEI, ONG|0 comentários

IAPMEI – C10 – Navegação Ecológica

18-12-2023 C10 - Navegação Ecológica A Componente 10 do Plano de Recuperação e Resiliência (PRR) vem lançar um programa de apoio à Navegação Ecológica que visa garantir as condições para a aceleração da transição energética do transporte marítimo de mercadorias e passageiros, no médio e longo prazo. A abertura do Aviso de Concurso no âmbito desta

By |2023-12-18T00:00:00+00:00Dezembro 18, 2023|Apoio ao Empresário, Gabinete, IAPMEI, ONG|0 comentários

Statistics Portugal – Web Portal

SummaryThe Regional Statistical Yearbooks provide a wide range of statistical data at regional and municipal levels. From the topics analysed in this press release, it is important to highlight: • Population: the median age of the resident population was 47.0 in Portugal and 141 of the 308 municipalities (45.8%) had median ages over 50 in

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